Verla Mill museum
Postal address: Verlantie 295, 47850 Verla, Finland
UPM-Kymmene Corporation (business ID 1041090-0)
The rental premises the World Heritage Site Verla are being owned by UPM-Kymmene Corporation.
Later refered as "Verla Mill museum".
Repovalkea Oy / Tervarumpu
Address: Niittymäentie 13, FI-46110 TUOHIKOTTI
Tel: +358 400 718 248
Business ID: FI2363958-7
Repovalkea Oy/Tervarumpu is the service provider responsible for the rental premises bookings and interconnected online services in the World Heritage Site Verla
Later refered as "Tervarumpu". contains products and services from Third Party Merchants. Merchant information together with merchant terms are always visible on the product/service description.
Third Party Merchant is a company or other organization who sells their own products and services to the Customers visiting online services. Merchant has approved the sales channel contract of Merchant is the vendor of its own products and services and the sales contract always generates between the Merchant and the Customer. Customer always approves separate Merchant terms in the purchase process. Payments in go directly to the Merchant.
Verla Mill Museum or Tervarumpu is never a contract party when the Customer purchases a product or service from Third Party Merchant and therefore never accountable for the delivery of products or services from Third Party Merchants.
Third Party Merchant are later refered as "Merchant".
The customer complies to these terms and conditions when booking rental premises in the World Heritage Site Verla through the web service.
Later refered as "Customer".
The customer is responsible for getting acquainted with the description, instructions and rental terms regarding the rental object.
The reservation is binding once the booking confirmation has been sent in the e-mail address provided by the customer.
The customer is obliged to pay the reservations by a chosen payment method and by adhering to the paying terms.
The online booking service sends a booking confirmation in the e-mail address provided by the customer.
Should the reservation fail Verla Mill Museum or Tervarumpu don’t hold the responsibility. The customer must contact Tervarumpu without a delay in order to correct the situation. In such a case Verla Mill Museum or Tervarumpu can’t guarantee the vacancy of the rental object. Should the rental object not be vacant, the purchase is either canceled and the payment returned, or a substitutive rental object will be offered instead.
Booking modification and cancellation
All modifications and cancellations must be done through online form: Tervarumpu Cancellation form
Cancellation date is the date when Tervarumpu has received the cancellation via cancellation form. Cancellation will be processed as soon as possible, but no more than within 4 four weeks from cancellation request.
The customer is responsible of sending the cancellation on time.
In case of a cancellation by the customer:
If the booking is canceled latest 30 days before the start of the reservation, the cancellation fee of 25 € per cottage will be claimed. The same amount will be collected also when canceling a web booking.
If the booking is canceled latest 14 vrk before the start of the reservation, an amount of 50 % of the cost of the reservation will be claimed.
If the booking is canceled later than 14 vrk before the start of the reservation, an amount of 100 % of the cost of the reservation will be claimed.
When the reservation has been made by using a discount code, an amount of 100 % of the cost of the reservation will be claimed, regardless of the moment of cancellation.
The reservation can be moved to another date by the customer on the following terms:
The reservation can be moved to another date only once.
The reservation shall be moved to another date no later than 14 days before the start of the original reservation.
A fee of 25 € per cottage will be claimed, when the reservation is being moved.
In case the customer cancels a reservation which has been moved, an amount of 100 % of the cost of the reservation will be claimed, regardless of the moment of cancellation.
Verla Mill Museum holds the right to cancel the reservation in a case of a force majeure. The customer will be informed of this cancellation without a delay.
In case of a reservation cancellation by Verla Mill Museum, the customer will be reimbursed 100 % of the payment.
Any expenses caused by the force majeure to the customer will not be reimbursed.
The customer shall return the keys in accordance to given instructions.
In case of a missing or an unreturned key Verla Mill Museum, holds the right to claim a fee of minimum 100 €.
Tervarumpu holds the right to claim a fee of minimum 100 € in case of a lost key or a key left inside a rental object.
The usage of the rental object has been determined in the object description.
The customer holds the right to stay in the rental object and its premises and utilize the equipment in the rental place throughout the duration of the rental period.
Should the customer notice anything inadequate about the rental object, Tervarumpu must be informed without a delay.
The customer is responsible for the tidiness of the rental objective and the premises, including the yard, and the removal of all waste once the rental period expires.
If the customer has neglected to clean the premises, Tervarumpu will charge the full cleaning costs. The cleaning fee 62€/h, the traveling expenses 0.87€/km, the travel time is included in the working time.
The rental object is available throughout the rental period described in the rental object description.
Pets are not allowed in the rental object and on the premises, unless otherwise stated in the rental object description.
The customer is obliged to compensate the damages she/he has caused to the rental object to Verla Mill Museum. The person making the reservation is also responsible for all persons at the rental object and the premises throughout the rental period.
Verla Mill Museum or Tervarumpu is not liable for reimbursing any costs caused to the customer by nature occurrences, such as weather, animals or insects.
Any reclamation must be filed as soon as possible after the contemptible event has occurred.
Should the event remain unsolved or a compensation demand has been filed, the reclamation must be sent in a written form within one month from the end of the reservation period.
Tervarumpu aspire to address and handle the reclamation as soon as possible, latest within one month after the reclamation has been received.
Should the customer and Tervarumpu fail to reach a settlement, the customer may forward the reclamation to the Finnish Consumer Disputes Board (Kuluttajariitalautakunta).
Tervarumpu utilizes trustworthy and renowned payment brokers.
Tervarumpu doesn’t save any debit / credit card data.
The customer adheres to the terms of conditions of the chosen payment method.
Purchase process is facitated by Johku ecommerce system and Bambora Payment Services. This facilitation means that "Johku-kauppias (Aptual Commerce Oy)" or "Bambora" will be on the account statements provided by card issuers as well as banks.
Billing is available only for companies and organizations located in Finland.
Billing is done through an automated invoicing service.
The invoice must be paid by due date, described in the invoice.
A penalty interest as well as reminder fees will be added to invoices paid after expiration. In case the original invoice has been paid by using the original invoice after the due date, the additional penalty interest together with reminder fees will be billed with a separate invoice.
In case the payment procedure fails to complete when making the reservation, Tervarumpu will not address the reservation further.
The prices in the web shop include VAT.
The webshop only serves customers of legal age, as well as companies.
Quotations for Groups (above 6 persons) can include more specific terms to bookings. These terms are considered additional to General Terms.
Ryhmille (yli 6hlöä) voidaan tarjouksissa asettaa tarkentavia varausehtoja, jotka ovat ensisijaisia suhteessa yleisiin toimitusehtoihin.
The webshop reserves the right for price adjustments.
The customer will be held responsible of the authenticity of the given information.
The right to adjust the terms and conditions will be reserved by Verla Mill Museum and Tervarumpu. The customer is responsible for getting acquainted with the valid terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions updated: 27.1.2021